
As Summer Wanes, Some Friendly Reminders for Nipomo

By Kevin O'Connor on Sep 11, 2018 at 03:47 PM in Nipomo Pest Control, Nipomo Ant Control, Nipomo Mosquito Control, Nipomo Rodent Control

End-of-Summer Pest Control Reminders 

As Summer Wanes, Some Friendly Reminders for Nipomo

Pest control companies are staying busy across the Central Coast. As summer turns into fall, O'Connor Pest Control has been fielding numerous calls per day for help fighting pest infestations in Nipomo.

Clients are reporting a rise in numbers of spiders, and ants, as well as in gophers and other rodents. Fleas are expected to rise in numbers soon.

As defensive measures, it's a good idea to keep your yard maintained, de-clutter your home and seal food in air-tight containers. Using flea protection on your animals can help avoid an infestation in your home.

"As soon as you see something, call somebody before it gets out of control. A lot of the things you see at the store aren't the same chemicals that we use as professionals," our experts counsel. Make sure you get expert advice on the most effective and least toxic methods for pest control. 

Increasing Mosquito Pressure Can Be Expected in Nipomo

If rain occurs in some California counties, then mosquitoes may be next on the list of pests demanding our attention. The West Nile Virus has been detected in numerous states: according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) July 24th report, state officials have reported the virus in humans, mosquitoes, birds and sentinel and veterinary animals in a total of 36 states, including Alabama, California, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas.

Overall, 39 cases of West Nile have been reported in humans as of July 24th. Of those, 23 cases involved meningitis or encephalitis. California ends up being on all the lists of those states where these issues arise. Although O'Connor Pest Control avoids being alarmist, still “You can’t be too careful.” The safety of your family must come first, always.

Pest Control Experts Can Help You with Bed Bug Problems in Nipomo

Now, it’s the middle of September and Autumn is on its way, and that means — School. What does that mean for us? Calls from students regarding bed bugs in student apartments. And even homes of very careful and clean families might find bed bugs, to their dismay.

As we all know, the mere sight of a bed bug traversing across a mattress or climbing on a bed frame can send people into a tizzy. And can you blame them? The stigma attached to bed bugs is enough to make people throw out perfectly good furniture, discard clothes by the bagful and spend thousands of dollars on a variety of treatment regimens. The bottom line is no one wants bed bugs.

But what if your inspector or technician spots just one or two of these nasty, blood-sucking little critters? Is it a sign of a much larger infestation or is it simply just a few isolated bed bugs? Don't try to guess at the magnitude of the problem -- call the professionals immediately for help!

Contact O'Connor Pest Control today if you are having problems with bed bugs or other unwanted end-of-summer "guests," or call us at 800-284-7985 for immediate service!